The fall
That should happen some day. Inevitably. 1977, Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life ..."
Bullshit. And now I'm in the streets. Outside. Roaming. Nothing for me to wash. The same clothes for 4 or 5 days. I never go hungry. I thank in advance those who have hosted this past week. But I had to leave and keep my dignity. So I prefer to sleep in a park that beg for such a thug.
What will I do? No idea. Maybe go to my parents at Alma. But only when all else has failed. I always money. Enough to accommodate me. The only problem is that most visited sites require a deposit of two rents. I did not. If I do not eat for another two weeks, I get to have enough money to get me a room roommate.
And I await news shortly of a roommate I had originally planned, while I stayed still on Pius IX. I wish I could get there sooner.
For the rest, I have not yet contacted my ex. I'm really scared of her and her parents. Its non-veiled threats, and what she could do with my personal stuff. I threatened to go on but I know she would fool. She and her family are so rich they will prefer to completely ruin me, break me as a man, rather than arriving an arrangement.
Maybe do you read these lines? Wonderful time. You can smile at will. You managed to completely destroy me. Yay!
Next move: to check whether the Roman Catholic Church receives me, and if it can really help the most disadvantaged. Otherwise, I will choose my park. And I'll watch the sky all night wondering what I could do so incredible to deserve such punishment.
Tomorrow afternoon, I will return here in the National Library of Quebec, to keep you informed of my first night as qu'itinérant. Beautiful stories in perspective ...
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